The sewer infrastructure in St Paul’s Bay and Kennedy Grove is set for a major upgrade, utilising a state-of-the-art trenchless technology known as ‘micro-tunnelling’.
The project, to be carried out by the Water Services Corporation (WSC) against an investment of €6.4 million, is set to vastly improve the wastewater management system in the area.
The project was announced by Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and WSC CEO Karl Cilia during a visit in the locality, where works are set to start by the end of April.
Utilising the micro-tunnelling technique allows for the construction of a 1.9km sewer gallery without the need for extensive excavation, reducing disruption to the community and minimising environmental impact.
Minister Miriam Dalli emphasised the importance of this project, stating that “This project is needed as the population is growing in this locality and we need to ensure the proper infrastructure that can address the increasing demand. By upgrading our sewer system, we will not only improve the quality of life of our residents but also protect our environment and ensure the sustainability of our community for generations to come.”
The new sewer gallery will collect the majority of St. Paul’s Bay and Kennedy Grove’s sewerage, thereby easing the strain on the existing infrastructure. The project is divided into two lots, with a combined execution period of 50 weeks. Both lots will be worked on simultaneously, ensuring the efficient and timely completion of this much-needed upgrade.
WSC CEO Karl Cilia said that, “This project is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainability. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we aim to enhance the wastewater management system, protect public health, and preserve our environment. This project is just one of many that the corporation will be embarking on in the nearby future, with similar initiatives planned for Marsa, St. Julian’s, Msida and Birżebbuġa.”
Also present for the press conference was St Paul’s Bay Mayor Alfred Grima who welcomed the project in the area, underlining that the substantial investment would be strengthening the town’s water and sewage infrastructure. “This is an investment which has been prioritised by the Water Services Corporation, and one which will be causing as little an inconvenience to residents as possible, despite the size of the project,” Mayor Alfred Grima highlighted.
Ser tintuża teknoloġija innovattiva fil-proġett ta’ infrastruttura tad-drenaġġ f’San Pawl il-Baħar
L-infrastruttura tad-drenaġġ f’San Pawl il-Baħar u f’Kennedy Grove ser tkun qed tiġi aġġornata permezz ta’ teknoloġija avvanzata mingħajr l-użu tat-trinek, magħrufa bħala ‘micro-tunnelling’.
Dan il-proġett, li se jitwettaq mill-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma (WSC), b’investiment ta’ €6.4 miljun, ħa jtejjeb bil-kbir is-sistema tal-immaniġġjar tad-drenaġġ fiż-żona.
Dan tħabbar mill-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli flimkien mal-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-WSC Karl Cilia waqt żjara fil-lokalità, fejn ix-xogħlijiet mistennija li jibdew sal-aħħar ta’ April.
Ġie spjegat li l-użu tas-sistema tal-micro-tunnelling tippermetti li ssir il-kostruzzjoni ta’ infrastruttura tad-drenaġġ ta’ 1.9km mingħajr il-bżonn ta’ ħafna tħaffir. B’dan il-mod, se jitnaqqas sostanzjalment l-inkonvenjent għall-komunità, u jiġi wkoll imminimizzat l-impatt fuq l-ambjent.
Il-Ministru Miriam Dalli saħqet fuq l-importanza ta’ dan il-proġett, u sostniet li, “Dan il-proġett huwa meħtieġ peress li l-popolazzjoni f’din il-lokalità qed tikber. Għalhekk, irridu nassiguraw li jkun hemm infrastruttura adegwata li kapaċi tindirizza d-domanda li dejjem tiżdied. Billi ntejbu s-sistema tad-drenaġġ, mhux biss intejbu l-kwalità tal-ħajja tar-residenti iżda wkoll nipproteġu l-ambjent u niżguraw is-sostenibbiltà tal-komunità tagħna għall-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġejjin.”
L-infrastruttura ġdida tad-drenaġġ hi mistennija li tiġbor fiha l-maġġoranza tad-drenaġġ ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar u Kennedy Grove, biex b’hekk itaffi l-piż fuq l-infrastruttura eżistenti. Il-proġett se jkun maqsum f’żewġ partijiet u huwa mistenni li jitlesta f’50 ġimgħa. Ix-xogħol fuq iż-żewġ partijiet se jsir fl-istess ħin, biex b’hekk tiġi żgurata t-tlestija effiċjenti u f’waqtha ta’ dan l-proġett tant meħtieġ.
Min-naħa tiegħu, il-Kap Eżekuttiv Karl Cilia qal, “Dan il-proġett huwa xhieda tal-impenn tagħna għall-innovazzjoni u s-sostenibbiltà. Billi nisfruttaw it-teknoloġija avvanzata, aħna nimmiraw li ntejbu s-sistema tal-immaniġġjar tal-ilma mormi, kif ukoll nipproteġu s-saħħa pubblika u nippreservaw l-ambjent tagħna. Dan il-proġett huwa biss wieħed mill-ħafna li l-korporazzjoni se tkun qed taħdem fuqhom fil-futur qrib, b’inizjattivi simili ppjanati għall-Marsa, San Ġiljan, l-Imsida, u Birżebbuġa.”
Preżenti għall-konferenza tal-aħbarijiet kien hemm ukoll is-Sindku ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar, Alfred Grima, li laqa’ dan il-proġett, fejn saħaq li permezz ta’ dan l-investiment se tkun qed tissaħħaħ l-infrastruttura tal-ilma u d-drenaġġ tal-lokalità. “Dan huwa investiment li qed jingħata prijorità mill-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma, u wieħed li se jkun qed joħloq l-inqas inkonvenjent possibbli lir-residenti, minkejja d-daqs tal-proġett,” tenna s-Sindku Alfred Grima.