English Version :
Minister Dalli announces a €2 million investment by a local company
A local laundry company is investing € 2 million through an expansion of around 1,120m2 in their current premises in Mrieħel, as well as launching a spin off company offering an automated 24/7 laundry service.
Through this investment, assisted by Malta Enterprise, the company would be reaching out to international markets.
This was announced by Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development Miriam Dalli during a visit to the company, led by Executive Chairperson Ian Attard Portughes and Chief Executive Mario Duca, in the presence of Malta Enterprise management.
The company started operating back in 1915, with a long history of success which is highlighted by the company’s ability in seizing new opportunities to venture from one expansion to another. With this investment the company not only continues to secure employment for its employees, but also strengthening its place in the Maltese economy.
The investment includes an expansion of the current facilities in Mrieħel which allows the company to be able to meet its demands, as well as launching a spin off company: Laundry Concepts.
“Portughes is another example of the resilience and determination of the Maltese, in a time of pandemic they saw to invest in both infrastructure and their staff. The investment has led the company to diversify and create a new and unique project in Malta, using our ecosystem as their test base, which would enable the company to reach out to international markets,” said Minister Miriam Dalli.
Laundry Concepts Ltd’s new concept is the first service of its kind in Malta. A customer can deposit their clothes for the dry cleaning service, automatically and in the same way re-collect what they have deposited thanks to a mobile app. This diversification has led to this company using Malta as a test base to export this concept. To offer this service, Portughes Laundry and Dry Cleaning designed the solution, combining the technological concept with the required machinery as per their design.
In comments, Ian Attard Portughes said: “The pandemic has brought with it many challenges, but with the help we have received from Malta Enterprise we have continued with our operations so that we have been able to make this expansionary as well as diversifying a new niche that we must finally start exporting.”

Maltese Version :
Il-Ministru Dalli tħabbar investiment ta’ €2 miljun minn kumpanija lokali
Kumpanija lokali qed tinvesti mas-€2 miljun f’espansjoni ta’ madwar 1,120 m2 fil-binja tagħha fl-Imrieħel, waqt li tat bidu għal servizz ta’ laundry 24/7 li jopera b’mod digitali.
L-investiment li qed tagħmel Portughes Dry Cleaning Ltd se jgħin lill-kumpanija timraħ fi swieq internazzjonali.
Dan ħabbritu l-Ministru għall-Enerġija, l-Intrapriża u l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli Miriam Dalli waqt żjara fil- kumpanija, mmexxija miċ-Chairperson Eżekuttiv Ian Attard Portughes u l-Kap Eżekuttiv Mario Duca.
Il-kumpanija bdiet topera lura fl-1915, bi storja twila ta’ suċċess fejn dejjem għarfet taħtaf l-opportunitajiet ġodda biex għaddiet minn espansjoni għal-oħra. B’dan l-investiment il-kumpanija mhux biss qed tkompli tassigura l- impjieg għall-ħaddiema tagħha, iżda qed tkompli ssaħħaħ postha fl-ekonomija Maltija.
L-investiment qed jissarraf f’espansjoni tal-faċilitajiet eżistenti fl-Imrieħel biex tissodisfa d-domanda li qed tesperjenza. L-investiment kien possibbli għall-iskemi varji li toffri l-Malta Enterprise.
“Il-kumpanija Portughes hija eżempju ieħor ta’ reżiljenza u l-bżulija tal-Maltin, fejn fi żmien ta’ pandemija raw li jinvestu kemm fl-infrastruttura u anke fl-impjegati. L-investiment wassal biex il-kumpanija ddiversifikat u ħolqot proġett ġdid u uniku f’Malta u qed isservi bħala test base, biex b’hekk tkun tista’ tesporta lejn is-swieq internazzjonali,” qalet il-Ministru Miriam Dalli.
Il-kunċett ġdid ta’ Laundry Concepts Ltd huwa l-ewwel servizz tax-xorti tiegħu f’Malta. Klijent jista’ jiddepożita l-ħwejjeġ tiegħu għas-servizz ta’ dry cleaning, b’ mod awtomatiku u bl-istess mod jerġa jiġbor dak li jkun iddepożita grazzi għal mobile app. Din id-diversifikazzjoni wasslet biex din il-kumpanija tuża lil Malta bħala testbase biex tesporta dan il-kunċett. Biex toffri dan is-servizz, Portughes Laundry and Dry Cleaning għaqqdet flimkien il-kunċett teknoloġiku mal-makkinarju f’ soluzzjoni li ħolqu huma stess.
F’kummenti, Ian Attard Portughes qal: “Il-pandemija ġabet diversi sfidi magħha, iżda bl-għajnuna li ngħatajna mingħand il-Malta Enterprise bqajna għaddejjin bl-operat tagħna biex b’hekk anke stajna nagħmlu dan l- investiment ta’ espansjoni u kif ukoll diversifikazzjoni ta’ niċċa ġdida li finalment irridu nibdew nesportaw.”