Policy document lays out objectives, framework structure for offshore renewable technology
The Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise launched the first policy document, detailing the National Policy for the Deployment of Offshore Renewable Energy for public consultation.
This was announced by Energy Minister Miriam Dalli in the presence of several stakeholders and regulating entities. The Offshore Renewable Energy Policy seeks to enable the offshore potential of the Mediterranean in the country’s best interest. Technology-neutral, the policy supports the implementation of offshore renewable projects, mainly wind and solar, in areas lying beyond the territorial waters and within Malta’s potential Exclusive Economic Zone.
Through studies conducted by the Energy and Water Agency, six potential sites have been identified for these investments.
“The Government’s energy vision is to offer affordable and clean energy, improve the infrastructure, strengthen innovation, and continue delivering measures in favour of climate action. The launch of this policy paper for public consultation is an important milestone in this green transition. The deployment of offshore energy projects is also an opportunity for sustainable economic growth, opening up job opportunities in the green and blue economies whilst tapping into the potential which the Mediterranean Sea has to offer,” stated Minister Dalli.
The Minister explained that following the public consultation and subsequent updates to the policy document, an international expression of interest will be issued. In parallel, a Strategic Environment Assessment will be prepared.
The policy provides a comprehensive framework to promote investment in renewable energy; direct potential investors towards efficient renewable technologies; promote research, development, and innovation; and ensure that the offshore energy potential supports the country’s energy security.
Offshore renewable energy projects also tap into the potential of the blue and green economies. The proposed policy seeks to generate economic growth by creating a platform for new green employment opportunities and focuses the possibility of creating jobs in various sectors, including manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of renewable energy infrastructure.
The proposed policy also seeks to complement the regulatory and implementation framework, which will support investors in materialising their offshore projects, reducing the time from concept to commissioning by assisting directly through effective governance and monitoring.
The public consultation opens today till the end of September. The document is accessible athttps://www.gov.mt/mt/publicconsultation/Pages/default.aspx
Imnedija konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-politika nazzjonali dwar l-Enerġija Rinnovabbli Offshore
Id-dokument ta’ politika jistabbilixxi l-għanijiet u l-qafas ta’ proċedura għal teknoloġiji rinnovabbli offshore
Il-Ministeru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża nieda għall-konsultazzjoni pubblika l-ewwel dokument ta’ politika dwar l-użu ta’ enerġijarinnovabbli offshore.
Dan ġie mħabbar mill-Ministru għall-Enerġija Miriam Dalli fil-preżenza ta’ diversi stakeholders u entitajiet regolatorji. Din il-policy qed tixpruna l-potenzjal li għandu l-offshore fil-Mediterran, billi qed jiġu identifikati żoni lil hinn mill-ibħra territorjali iżda fiż-Żoni Esklussivi Ekonomiċi ta’ Malta, fejn jistgħu jiġu implimentati proġetti rinnovabbli offshore, prinċipalment mir-riħ u mix-xemx.
Permezz ta’ studji mill-Aġenzija għall-Enerġija u l-Ilma, ġew identifikati sitt żoni li potenzjalment jistgħu jintużaw għal dawn l-investimenti.
“Il-viżjoni tal-Gvern fis-settur tal-enerġija hija li joffri enerġija affordabbli u nadifa, itejjeb l-infrastruttura, isaħħaħ l-innovazzjoni, u jkompli joffri miżuri favur il-klima. It-tnedija ta’ din il-policy għall-konsultazzjoni pubblika hija pass importanti f’din it-tranżazzjoni ekoloġika. L-investimenti ta’ proġetti tal-enerġija offshore huma wkoll opportunità għat-tkabbir ekonomiku sostenibbli, li jiftaħ opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fl-ekonomija ħadra u l-ekonomija blu, filwaqt li nibbenefikaw mill-potenzjal li għandu x’joffri l-baħar Mediterran,” sostniet il-Ministru Dalli.
Il-Ministru spjegat li wara l-konsultazzjoni pubblika u l-aġġornament sussegwenti tad-dokument, se tinħareġ sejħa t’interess internazzjonali. Fl-istesswaqt, se titħejja Evalwazzjoni Ambjentali Strateġika.
Din il-policy tipprovdi qafas komprensiv biex tippromwovi l-investiment fl-enerġija rinnovabbli; tidderieġi investituri potenzjali lejn teknoloġiji rinnovabbli effiċjenti; tippromwovi r-riċerka, l-iżvilupp u l-innovazzjoni; u tassigura li l-potenzjal tal-enerġija offshore jappoġġja s-sigurtà tal-enerġija tal-pajjiż.
Proġetti ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli offshore jkomplu jibnu fuq il-potenzjal tal-ekonomija blu u l-ekonomija ħadra. Din il-policy tfittex li tiġġenera tkabbir ekonomiku billi toħloq pjattaforma għal opportunitajiet ġodda ta’ impjiegi ekoloġiċi u tiffoka fuq il-possibilità li jinħolqu impjiegi f’diversi setturi, inkluż il-manifattura, l-operat, u l-manutenzjoni ta’ infrastruttura ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli.
Il-policy proposta tfittex ukoll li tikkumplimenta l-qafas regolatorju u ta’ implimentazzjoni, li se jappoġġja lill-investituri biex jimmaterjalizzaw il-proġetti offshore tagħhom, u b’hekk se jnaqqas iż-żmien mill-kunċett sal-ikkummissjonar tal-proġett permezz ta’ governanza u monitoraġġ effettiv.
Din il-konsultazzjoni pubblika tiftaħ illum u tagħlaq fl-aħħar ta’ Settembru. Id-dokument huwa aċċessibbli fuqhttps://www.gov.mt/mt/publicconsultation/Pages/default.aspx