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4,000sqm site at Romeo Romano Garden reopened to the public

English Version :

The first phase of the restoration project led by GreenServ in Ġnien Romeo Romano in Santa Venera has been inaugurated by Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli.

This part of the garden, previously inaccessible to the public, will be adding around 4,000 square meters to the open space in the heart of this urban area. The restoration works sought to make this part of the garden accessible and safe for visitors.

The project included a children’s playground and two decking areas, planned to sustainably integrate the history of this garden while retaining its large number of mature citrus trees, along with another 25 new trees.

“€1.7 million are being invested in the full regeneration of Romeo Romano Garden. This project is another testimony to the government’s vision and its full commitment in creating more open spaces at the heart of our localities. We believe that such projects are improving quality of life in our localities, while offering families new spaces for relaxation and recreation close to their homes and workplaces,” said Minister Dalli.

Romeo Romano Garden is the second largest public garden in Malta.

WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca explained that this project is divided into two phases. The second phase will include the restoration of the old gardener’s house. “We ensured that we used materials, such as wood, which complement the existing character of this garden, and limited the use of plastic as much as possible,” Richard Bilocca said.

The regenerated garden is home to several historical features, including a ‘sienja’ (water mill) dating back to the nineteenth century. GreenServ restored it together with the water reservoir located beneath the garden and the water channels surrounding the trees. At the same time, the pathways were made safe and accessible for everyone. The first phase also included the restoration of the walls and fountains in this part of the garden and the planting of more citrus trees.

In the past weeks, Minister Miriam Dalli announced the second phase of this project, consisting of the restoration of the old farmhouse. This will be turned into a learning centre focusing on the environment for Ekoskola students and the public, with practical learning opportunities about nature protection and sustainability.

The first phase of the Romeo Romano Gardens project is the eighth government investment in green open spaces completed this year.

Maltese Version

4,000 metru kwadru ta’ siġar u passaġġi fi Ġnien Romeo Romano miftuħa millġdid għall-pubbliku

Il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli inawgurat l-ewwel fażi tal-proġett ta’ restawr u tisbiħ immexxi minn GreenServ fi Ġnien Romeo Romano, f’Santa Venera.

Din il-parti tal-ġnien, li qabel ma kinitx aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku, qed iżżid madwar 4,000 metru kwadru ma’ dan l-ispazju miftuħ fil-qalba ta’ din iż-żona urbana. Ix-xogħol ta’ restawr wassal biex din il-parti tal-ġnien issa hija aċċessibbli u sigura għall-viżitaturi.

Il-proġett inkluda wkoll playground għat-tfal u żewġ decking areas, ippjanati biex jintegraw b’mod sostenibbli mal-istorja ta’ dan il-ġnien filwaqt li jinkorporaw in-numru kbir ta’ siġar taċ-ċitru maturi li kien hemm fil-post u 25 siġra ġdida oħra magħhom.

“€1.7 miljun qed jiġu investiti fir-riġenerazzjoni sħiħa ta’ Ġnien Romeo Romano. Dan il-proġett huwa xhieda oħra tal-viżjoni tal-Gvern, b’impenn sħiħ biex noħolqu aktar spazji miftuħa fil-qalba tal-lokalitajiet tagħna. Nemmnu li proġetti bħal dawn qed isebbħu l-lokalitajiet fejn ngħixu, filwaqt li joffru lill-familji spazji rilassanti u rikreattivi viċin id-djar u l-postijiet tax-xogħol tagħhom,” qalet il-Ministru Dalli.

Il-Ġnien Romeo Romano huwa t-tieni l-akbar ġnien pubbliku f’Malta.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ WasteServ Richard Bilocca spjega kif dan il-proġett huwa maqsum f’żewġ fażijiet. It-tieni fażi se tinkludi r-restawr tar-razzett antik li fih fil-passat kien jgħix il-ġardinar ta’ dan il-ġnien. “Ħadna ħsieb li nużaw materjali, fosthom l-injam, li jikkumplimentaw il-karattru eżistenti ta’ dan il-ġnien, u llimitajna kemm stajna l-użu tal-plastik,” qal Richard Bilocca.

Din il-parti tal-ġnien li għadha kif ġiet riġenerata għandha fiha numru ta’ karatteristiċi storiċi, fosthom sienja li tmur lura għas-seklu dsatax. GreenServ irrestawratha flimkien mal-ġibjun taħt il-ġnien u l-kanali madwar is- siġar. Fl-istess waqt, irranġat il-passaġġi biex ikunu siguri u aċċessibbli għal kulħadd. L-ewwel fażi inkludiet ukoll ir-restawr tal-ħitan u l-funtani f’din il-parti tal-ġnien u t-tħawwil t’iktar siġar taċ-ċitru.

Fil-ġimgħat li għaddew, il-Ministru Miriam Dalli ħabbret it-tieni fażi ta’ dan il-proġett, li tikkonsisti fir-restawr tar-razzett l-antik f’dan il-ġnien biex isir ċentru ta’ tagħlim dwar l-ambjent għall-istudenti ta’ Ekoskola u għall- pubbliku, b’opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim prattiku dwar il-ħarsien tan-natura u s-sostenibbiltà.

L-ewwel fażi tal-proġett ta’ Ġnien Romeo Romano hija t-tmien investiment tal-Gvern fi spazji miftuħa din is- sena.

simili, waħda dwar il-permessi għas-sorsi rinnovabbli u l-oħra dwar is-solidarjetà f’każijiet ta’ kriżi.