€1 million is being allocated for the revised water purification system scheme
Three grants have been launched by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise to encourage households to reduce single-use plastics through the means of water purification systems.
Against an investment of €1 million, the Ministry is launching the ‘Be Water Smart Scheme’ grants, to support households investing in water filtration and domestic reverse osmosis systems. The scheme offers three types of grants, to cater for the different systems:
1. Be Water Smart: Water Guard, applicable for water filtration systems. The grant rate is of 40% of the purchase price and installation cost with a capping of €100.
2. Be Water Smart: RO Wave, applicable for reverse osmosis. The grant rate is of 15.25% of the purchase price and installation cost with a capping of €100
3. Be Water Smart: RO Recycle, applicable for reverse osmosis with wastewater returned to the residential water storage. The grant rate is of 40% of the purchase price and installation cost with a capping of €300.
The above amounts represent an increase from the previous grant, which stood at 15.25% on the purchase price and installation, with a capping of €70.
“It is estimated that each household buys some 500 plastic bottles every year. Through campaigns such as Saving Our Blue, we collect approximately 200kg of bottles and bottle caps just from beach and dive clean-ups. We know that more households want to live sustainably and understand the value of water conservation. Hence, we wanted to present schemes that truly encourage the transition towards sustainable practices in our daily lives,” stated Minister Miriam Dalli during the launch.
Minister Dalli explained that these schemes are a fit for all systems available on the market, including both water filtration and reverse osmosis systems. It is estimated that the uptake of the scheme will result in the approximate reduction of 3 million plastic bottles per year. This will contribute to Malta’s efforts as part of its single-use plastic strategy as well as the waste management plan and waste reduction.
Since carbon footprint is also generated with the production and transportation required to provide plastic bottles and other single-use plastic items, the reduction of consumption of single-use plastic waste will lead to a reduction in the generation of carbon footprint.
For further information regarding the newly introduced schemes please visit servizz.gov.mt or call 153.

Be Water Smart – Imnedija tliet għotjiet finanzjarji għal sistemi ta’ purifikazzjoni tal-ilma
Miljun ewro qed jiġu allokati għall-iskema l-ġdida dwar sistemi tal-purifikazzjoni tal-ilma
Tliet tipi ta’ għotjiet finanzjarji ġew imnedija mill-Ministeru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża biex iħeġġu inqas użu ta’ single-use plastic permezz ta’ sistemi ta’ purifikazzjoni tal-ilma.
B’investiment ta’ €1 miljun, il-Ministeru qed iniedi l-‘Be Water Smart Scheme’ biex tappoġġja lill-familji li qed jinvestu fil-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma u sistemi domestiċi ta’ reverse osmosis. L-iskema toffri tliet tipi ta’ għotjiet finanzjarji, biex tilqa’ għas-sistemi differenti:
1. Be Water Smart: Water Guard, applikabbli għal sistemi ta’ filtrazzjoni tal-ilma. Ir-rata tal-għotja hija ta’ 40% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża tal-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta’ €100.
2. Be Water Smart: RO Wave, applikabbli għal sistemi ta’ reverse osmosis. Ir-rata tal-għotja hija ta’ 15.25% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża tal-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta’ €100.
3. Be Water Smart: RO Recycle, applikabbli għal reverse osmosis b’wastewater ritornat fil-ħażna tal-ilma residenzjali. Ir-rata tal-għotja hija ta’ 40% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża tal-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta’ €300.
L-ammonti ta’ hawn fuq jirrappreżentaw żieda mill-għotja preċedenti, li kienet ta’ 15.25% fuq il-prezz tax-xiri u l-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta’ €70.
“Huwa stmat li kull dar tixtri madwar 500 flixkun tal-plastik fis-sena. Permezz ta’ kampanji bħal Saving Our Blue, niġbru madwar 200 kilo ta’ fliexken u tappijiet tal-fliexken minn clean-ups li jsiru fuq bajjiet kif ukoll fil-baħar. Nafu li aktar familji jixtiequ jgħixu b’mod iktar sostenibbli u japprezzaw il-valur tal-konservazzjoni tal-ilma. Għalhekk, ridna nippreżentaw skemi li jinkoraġġixxu t-transizzjoni lejn prattiċi sostenibbli fil-ħajja tagħna ta’ kuljum,” qalet il-Ministru Miriam Dalli waqt din it-tnedija.
Il-Ministru Dalli spjegat li dawn l-iskemi huma applikabbli għas-sistemi kollha disponibbli fis-suq, inkluż kemm is-sistemi tal-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma kif ukoll ir-reverse osmosis. Huwa stmat li l-użu tal-iskema se jirriżulta fi tnaqqis ta’ madwar tliet miljun flixkun tal-plastik kull sena. Dan se jikkontribwixxi għall-isforzi ta’ Malta bħala parti mis-single-use plastic strategy kif ukoll parti mill-waste management plan u t-tnaqqis tal-iskart.
Peress li l-carbon footprint hija ġġenerata wkoll bil-produzzjoni u t-trasport meħtieġa biex jiġu pprovduti fliexken tal-plastik u oġġetti oħra tal-plastik li jintużaw darba biss, anqas konsum ta’ dan il-materjal jwassal għal tnaqqis fil-ġenerazzjoni tal-carbon footprint.
Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar l-iskema ‘Be Water Smart’ żur servizz.gov.mt jew ċempel 153.