English Version :
Malta has successfully negotiated another derogation from a European Commission proposal that imposes on member states mandatory reductions in electricity consumption. This derogation was sealed by…
B’impenn lejn Malta
Bosta ċittadini madwar l-Unjoni Ewropea din ix-xitwa se jkunu ffaċċjati b’għażla: Jew jixgħelu d-dawl jew iħallsu l-ħtiġijiet neċessarji. Din hija s-sitwazzjoni li qed jippreparaw għaliha bosta pajjiżi…
ESG: corporate values that serve the common good
When corporate decisions are embedded in values, financial objectives can still meet the common good
In a post-pandemic recovery threatened by the…
L-ambizzjoni li tmexxina
Bl-ambizzjoni akbar li għandha Malta u l-Unjoni Ewropea, rridu nnaqqsu d-dipendenza fuq il-fossil fuels, sors ta’ enerġija li huwa impurtat u jniġġes. Li ninvestu fl-enerġija rinnovabbli mhux…
English Version :
Malta welcomed the outcome of the Energy Council where EU energy ministers voted on proposals to revise the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive.…
English Version :
Under the proposed Fit-for-55 package, different sectors have to contribute to reducing emissions and decarbonising our economies
During a meeting of EU environment ministers which lasted…