English Version :
The historical building at the Romeo Romano Gardens is being given a new lease of life thanks to an agreement reached between the Ministry for the…
English Version :
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli, together with Water Services Corporation CEO Karl Cilia, launched a new book, 8000 Years of Water, A…
English Version :
Works on the new waste management facility at the ECOHIVE Complex in Magħtab, has reached its final stages. This facility will be able to process up…
Maltese Version :
Il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli żaret l-attività “Wirt in-Natura” li saret il-Ħadd waranofsinhar fi ġnien l-Għarusa tal-Mosta. Hemmhekk iltaqgħet ma’ bosta familji bi tfal…
English Version :
“The Government is allocating 10% of its 2023 Budget to ensure stable energy bills and fuel prices because we do not want families and businesses to…
English Version :
Ekoskola students from different schools met Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) officials to present their recommendations…