Jekk hemm ħaġa waħda ċerta bħalissa hija li ma nafux kemm se ttul il-pandemija tal-Coronavirus. Inċertezza li tagħmilha diffiċli nipprevedu l-isfidi kollha li jistgħu jinqalgħu.
Zoonosis: a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals. But why should we even be be familiar with this word? I say we really should, because from what…
Just a couple of weeks ago in Brussels we were discussing the conference on the Future of Europe and how to engage with citizens and make sure that their priorities…
Meta ngħaddu minn żminijiet diffiċli, spiss niskopru affarijiet dwarna nfusna u dwar dawk ta’ madwarna li ftit li xejn inkunu konxji minnhom. Dan hu żmien fejn joħroġ sew is-sabiħ imma…
Just a couple of weeks ago in Brussels we were discussing the conference on the Future of Europe and how to engage with citizens and make sure that their priorities…
Just a couple of weeks ago in Brussels we were discussing the conference on the Future of Europe and how to engage with citizens and make sure that their priorities…