English Version :
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli, together with Water Services Corporation CEO Karl Cilia, launched a new book, 8000 Years of Water, A Maltese Story of Sustainability, which tells the story of water production in Malta across the millennia.
The 500-page book, authored by 15 experts in the field and full of original photographs of seldomly seen locations around the Maltese islands, tells the untold story of water in the Maltese islands, from pre-history all the way to the present.
While speaking on the importance water plays in society, Minister Miriam Dalli remarked that the book would take its readers on a journey of discovery on how, throughout history, Malta’s inhabitants managed to conquer challenges and secure the provision of water.
Whilst remarking that the book was the first of its kind to comprehensively document the Maltese islands’ entire water-related history, the Minister thanked all those involved in producing such a work.
Minister Dalli underlined the importance the government is continuing to place in the water sector, which is exemplified by the Water Services Corporation’s successful efforts to increase the amount of quality water it produces through desalination, whilst reducing both the pressure placed on groundwater resources and the amount of energy utilised in the reverse osmosis process. This, she highlighted, tied in with the government’s determination to meet the country’s and the EU’s environmental goals.
The Water Services Corporation is currently in the final stages of a major project connecting its reverse osmosis plant in Pembroke to the Ta’ Qali group of reservoirs, through an underground tunnel. The project will be significantly improving the taste of tap water throughout the island by enhancing the blending potential of the Corporation’s sources of water.
This, along with other projects, including those related to wastewater treatment, the expanded provision of New Water to the agricultural sector, the reduction of leaks in the network, and the reduction of sewage overflow – showed that Malta’s water journey, with the Water Services Corporation, will continue successfully.
In the coming days, the book will be available in all main bookshops as well as online.

Maltese Version
Tnedija tal-ktieb ‘8000 Years of Water, A Maltese Story of Sustainability’
Il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli flimkien mal-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma Karl Cilia, nedew ktieb ġdid, 8000 Years of Water, A Maltese Story of Sustainability, li jirrakkonta l-istorja tal-produzzjoni tal-ilma f’Malta matul il-millenji.
Il-ktieb ta’ 500 paġna, miktub minn 15-il espert fil-qasam u mimli ritratti oriġinali ta’ postijiet madwar il-gżejjer Maltin li rari jidhru, jirrakkonta l-istorja ta’ pajjiżna, mill-preistorja sal-preżent.
Waqt li tkellmet dwar l-importanza li għandu l-ilma fis-soċjetà, il-Ministru Miriam Dalli rrimarkat li l-ktieb se jieħu lill-qarrejja tiegħu fuq vjaġġ ta’ skoperta tul l-istorja, dwar kif l-abitanti ta’ Malta rnexxielhom jirbħu l- isfidi u jassiguraw il-provvista tal-ilma.
Filwaqt li rrimarkat li l-ktieb hu l-ewwel wieħed tax-xorta tiegħu li jiddokumenta b’mod komprensiv l-istorja sħiħa tal-ilma fil-gżejjer Maltin, hija rringrazzjat lil dawk kollha involuti fil-produzzjoni ta’ dan ix-xogħol.
Il-Ministru Dalli saħqet fuq l-importanza li l-gvern qed ikompli jagħti lis-settur tal-ilma. Dan jidher mill-isforzi tal-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma biex iżżid l-ammont ta’ ilma ta’ kwalità li tipproduċi permezz tad- desalinizzazzjoni, filwaqt li tnaqqas kemm il-pressjoni li ssir fuq l-ilma tal-pjan kif ukoll l-ammont ta’ enerġija utilizzata fil-proċess tar-reverse osmosis. Dan, enfasizzat il-Ministru, hu marbut mad-determinazzjoni tal-gvern li jilħaq l-għanijiet ambjentali tal-pajjiż u tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.
Il-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma bħalissa tinsab fl-aħħar fażijiet ta’ proġett kbir li se jgħaqqad l-impjant tagħha tar-reverse osmosis f’Pembroke ma’ numru ta’ ġibjuni f’Ta’ Qali, permezz ta’ mina taħt l-art. Il-proġett se jkun qed itejjeb b’mod sinifikanti t-togħma tal-ilma tal-vit fil-gżejjer Maltin billi jsaħħaħ il-potenzjal tat-taħlit tal-ilma li għandha l-Korporazzjoni.
Dan, flimkien ma’ proġetti oħrajn, fosthom dawk relatati mat-trattament tad-drenaġġ, il-provvediment ta’ New Water lis-settur agrikolu, it-tnaqqis ta’ leaks fin-network, u t-tnaqqis tal-overflow tad-drenaġġ – juri li l-vjaġġ tal- ilma f’Malta, bil-Korporazzjoni għas-Servizzi tal-Ilma, ser ikompli b’suċċess.
Fil-ġranet li ġejjin, il-ktieb ħa jkun għall-bejgħ fil-ħwienet tal-kotba ewlenin kif ukoll online.