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Superhero comic book, themed boardgame set to help educate children on proper waste separation

English Version :

ESuperhero comic book, themed boardgame set to help educate children on proper waste separation

Commander Yellow, General Buzz: ‘Are you ready to join the Eco Force?’

A comic book designed by WasteServ is set to help educate children on waste separation and how students can make a difference in protecting the environment. The comics tell the story of two characters – Commander Yellow and General Buzz – as it follows their transformation into eco-warriors.

The Let’s Join Forces comic book, together with a themed boardgame, will be distributed to all State, Church, and private schools to children in Year 1 to Year 8 in a bid to teach children about the environment and waste management.

Presenting the educational material to students at St Dorothy’s School, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation Clifton Grima, urged students and educators alike to make good use of the giftpacks. The giftpack also includes other items that show how waste separation can be fun, encouraging them to opt for eco-friendly choices.

Accompanied by WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca, the ministers discussed with students their environmental aspirations and the importance of proper waste management.

“The comics offer meaningful messages about proper waste management whilst being extremely visually engaging. This comic book will also help empower children to make changes in favour of the environment as each story conveys various important messages on proper waste separation. The board game is also highly educational and as they play, children will learn about waste management,” Minister Dalli said.

Minister Grima praised this initiative which, through learning in an interesting and interactive way, we continue to instil a sense of responsibility that we all have, to protect the environment. “We must continue to put in place ways to make the education we are giving our children more attractive. Education does not stop at the traditional teaching given in classrooms, but it goes beyond that to nurture responsible citizens”. Minister Grima reminded that this is not the first time that the synergy between these two ministries brought education and the importance of protecting the environment protection together.

WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca said that this comic book is being distributed as part of WasteServ’s campaign ‘Separate right, make our future bright’. “This comic book will help children be more conscious of the waste they generate and how it can affect the environment,” he added.

In addition, WasteServ also has a dedicated website for children. Visit for new comic stories and other fun material that is published on a regular basis.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima launch children’s comics by Wasteserv – St. Dorothy School, Mdina Road, Ħaż-Żebbuġ – 6-5-2022
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima launch children’s comics by Wasteserv – St. Dorothy School, Mdina Road, Ħaż-Żebbuġ – 6-5-2022
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima launch children’s comics by Wasteserv – St. Dorothy School, Mdina Road, Ħaż-Żebbuġ – 6-5-2022
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima launch children’s comics by Wasteserv – St. Dorothy School, Mdina Road, Ħaż-Żebbuġ – 6-5-2022

Maltese Version :

Ktieb tal-komiks ta’ supereroj u boardgame tematika se jgħinu biex it-tfal jitgħallmu dwar is-separazzjoni tal- iskart

Commander Yellow, General Buzz: ‘Lest biex tingħaqad ma’ Eco Force?’

Ktieb tal-komiks iddisinjat mill-WasteServ se jgħin biex it-tfal jitgħallmu dwar is-separazzjoni tal-iskart u kif l- istudenti jistgħu jagħmlu differenza fil-ħarsien tal-ambjent. Il-komiks jirrakkontaw l-istorja ta’ żewġ karattri – Commander Yellow u General Buzz – li jittrasformaw f’eco-warriors.

Il-komik bit-titlu ‘Let’s Join Forces’, flimkien ma’ boardgame, se jitqassmu fl-iskejjel kollha tal-Istat, tal-Knisja, u privati lit-tfal mill-Year 1 sa Year 8 sabiex it-tfal jiġu mgħallma dwar l-ambjent u l-immaniġġjar tal-iskart.

Meta ppreżentaw dan il-materjal edukattiv lill-istudenti fl-Iskola St Dorothy’s, il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l- Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli u l-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni, l-Isport, iż-Żgħażagħ, ir-Riċerka u l- Innovazzjoni Clifton Grima ħeġġew lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi biex jagħmlu użu tajjeb min dan il-ktieb. Minbarra l-ktieb tal-komiks, l-istudenti ħa jirċievu wkoll oġġetti oħra li juru kif is-separazzjoni tal-iskart tista’ tkun xi ħaġa li jieħdu gost jagħmlu, filwaqt li jiġu mħeġġa jagħmlu għażliet favur l-ambjent.

Akkumpanjati mill-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-WasteServ Richard Bilocca, il-ministri ddiskutew mal-istudenti l- aspirazzjonijiet ambjentali tagħhom u l-importanza ta’ separazzjoni xierqa tal-iskart.

“Il-komiks joffru messaġġi sinjifikanti dwar is-separazzjoni xierqa tal-iskart filwaqt li huma attraenti viżwalment. Dawn il-komiks se jgħinu wkoll biex it-tfal ikunu jistgħu jagħmlu bidliet favur l-ambjent peress li kull storja twassal diversi messaġġi importanti dwar is-separazzjoni xierqa tal-iskart. Il-boardgame hija wkoll edukattiva ħafna u waqt li se jilagħbu, it-tfal jitgħallmu dwar l-immaniġġjar tal-iskart,” qalet il-Ministru Dalli.

Il-Ministru Grima faħħar din l-inizjattiva li permezz ta’ tagħlim b’mod interessanti u interattiv, se jkompli jdaħħal is-sens ta’ responsabbiltà li għandna lkoll biex inħarsu l-ambjent ta’ madwarna. “Irridu nkomplu ndaħħlu modi biex nagħmlu l-edukazzjoni li nagħtu lil uliedna attraenti. L-edukazzjoni mhix biss dik li l-istudenti jingħataw fuq il-bank tal-iskola, imma wkoll tmur lil hinn minn hekk biex inrawmu ċittadini responsabbli.” Il-Ministru Grima fakkar ukoll li din mhix l-ewwel darba li s-sinerġija bejn dawn iż-żewġ ministeri ħadmet biex tqarreb l- edukazzjoni u t-tħaris tal-ambjent flimkien.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-WasteServ Richard Bilocca qal li dan il-ktieb tal-komiks qed jitqassam bħala parti mill- kampanja tal-WasteServ ‘Separate right, make our future bright’. “Dawn il-komiks se jgħinu lit-tfal ikunu aktar konxji dwar l-iskart li jiġġeneraw u kif dan jista’ jaffettwa l-ambjent,” żied jgħid.

Barra minn hekk, WasteServ għandha wkoll websajt apposta għat-tfal. Żur għal komiks ġodda u materjal ieħor divertenti li jiġi ppubblikat fuq bażi regolari.