English Version :
Kumpanija farmaċewtika b’investiment ta’ €22 miljun f’faċilitajiet lokali ġodda
Il-kumpanija multi-nazzjonali, Torrent Pharma, se tkun qed tiftaħ sussidjarja Maltija biex tkun iċ-ċentru Ewropew tal-Loġistika u l-Kontroll…
English Version :
€10 million investment for the sustainable use of groundwater
The Qattara project has been completed as a result of a €10 million investment leading to better…
Twenty-two months ago, the pandemic reached our shores. Throughout all these months, not for a single moment did the Maltese government shy away from taking important decisions, one after the…
Maltese Version :
Jingħata bidu għall-proġett ta’ afforestazzjoni fil-Park tal-Inwadar
Hekk kif imwiegħed fil-Budget 2022, qed jingħata bidu għall-proġett ta’ afforestazzjoni fil-Park Nazzjonali tal- Inwadar, b’investiment totali ta’ €20…
Maltese Version :
Inawgurat six-bay hangar ġdid tal-SR Technics b’ investiment ta’ €42 miljun
SR Technics inawgurat faċilità ġdida f’Ħal Luqa b’investiment ta’ €42 miljun. Permezz ta’ dan l-investiment,…
Twenty-two months ago, the pandemic reached our shores. Throughout all these months, not for a single moment did the Maltese government shy away from taking important decisions, one after the…