This was a very interesting week in parliament, during which our legislative work continued unabated. This past week we enacted a long-awaited legislative framework that will now make it possible…
the Social Enterprise Act will enable this sector to develop into a new pillar of growth for our economy and a key societal contributor for our people
It-Tlieta, 14 ta’ April 2020
Stqarrija maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju tal-MPE Miriam Dalli
COVID-19 | Alleanza Ewropea favur pjan ta’ ekonomija sostenibbli wara l-pandemija
“It-triq ‘il quddiem għall-Istati Membri kollha,…
Advancements in technology, calls for flexible working hours and ideas on how to reduce running costs saw the concept of teleworking emerging tentatively. However, it was the COVID19 pandemic that…
English Version :
€90 million Enemalta action plan to reinforce its electricity distribution system
Enemalta’s ambitious action plan to invest €90 million to reinforce its electricity distribution system has…
English Version :
Minister Miriam Dalli announces Wage Supplement extension as local company confirms multimillion investment
Wage Supplement to be extended during March, Minister Miriam Dalli announces Federated Mills…