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Preparations underway for another edition of Christmas in the Park at the Salini National Park

An illuminated pathway, Santa’s grotto, a live nativity scene, sustainable Christmas crafts, food and live performances by renowned artists will turn the Salini National Park into a magical Christmas village for the third edition of Christmas in the Park.

This year’s event promises a sustainable experience for the entire family, with various entities like Ambjent Malta, Project Green, WasteServ, ERA, and Circular Economy ensuring an environmentally conscious celebration with informative stalls.

Visitors will enjoy virtual reality experience from Saving Our Blue, sustainable crafting and purchase artisanal goods, along with honey and vegan products. The event will host live performances by Sterjotipi, Claudia Faniello, Glen Vella, Lisa Gauci, Joemike and Lydon, and Tiziana Calleja together with children’s choir.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli encouraged people to attend this year’s Christmas in the Park. She highlighted that,“To enable the public to appreciate open areas, we should improve accessibility and revive these spaces through sustainable activities. It is crucial to ensure that even during the festive season, we uphold our commitment to sustainability.”

Minister Dalli thanked everyone who is contributing to the success of the event and urged the public to adopt sustainable practices this Christmas. This includes reusing wrapping paper, correctly separating waste, and reducing food waste, amongst others.

For the daily schedule of activities, visit Christmas in the Park will be held between the 8th to the 17th of December, weekdays from 16:30 to 20:30 and on weekends and public holidays from 10am to 20:30.

L-aħħar preparamenti għal edizzjoni oħra ta’ Christmas in the Park fil-Park Nazzjonali tas-Salini

Illuminated pathway, Santa’s Grotto, presepju ħaj, krafts tal-Milied sostenibbli, ikel u kant minn artisti rinomati se jbiddlu l-Park Nazzjonali tas-Salini f’Villaġġ tal-Milied maġiku, għat-tielet edizzjoni ta’ Christmas in the Park.

Diversi organizzazzjonijiet bħal Ambjent Malta, Project Green, WasteServ, ERA u Circular Economy se jkunu preżenti waqt din l-attività sabiex joffru esperjenza sostenibbli għall-familja kollha.

Viżitaturi se jkollhom l-opportunità li jesperjenzaw ukoll realtà virtwali minn Saving Our Blue, se jkun hemm ukoll krafts sostenibbli u se jkollhom iċ-ċans jixtru prodotti artiġġjanali, flimkien ma’ prodotti tal-għasel u vegan. Waqt Christmas in the Park se jittellgħu diversi wirjiet live minn artisti lokali fosthom Sterjotipi, Claudia Faniello, Glen Vella, Lisa Gauci, Joemike u Lydon u Tiziana Calleja, flimkien ma’ korijiet tat-tfal.

Il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża Miriam Dalli ħeġġet lin-nies sabiex jattendu għal Christmas in the Park. “Sabiex il-pubbliku jkun jista’ japprezza spazji miftuħa, għandna ntejbu l-aċċessibbiltà tagħhom u nqajmu aktar ħajja f’dawn l-ispazji permezz ta’ attivitajiet sostenibbli. Huwa kruċjali li niżguraw li anke matul l-istaġun tal-festi, inżommu l-impenn tagħna tas-sostenibbiltà.”

Il-Ministru Dalli rringrazzjat lil kull min qed jikkontribwixxi għas-suċċess ta’ din l-attività u ħeġġet lill-pubbliku biex dan il-Milied jadotta prattiċi sostenibbli. Dan jinkludi l-użu mill-ġdid tar-wrapping paper, is-separazzjoni tal-iskart, u t-tnaqqis tal-ħela tal-ikel, fost oħrajn.

Għall-iskeda tal-attivitajiet, żur Christmas in the Park ser jittella’ mit-8 sas-17 ta’ Diċembru. Il-ħinijiet se jkunu: matul il-ġimgħa mill-16:30 sat-20:30 u matul tmiem il-ġimgħa u festi pubbliċi mill-10 ta’ filgħodu sat-20:30.