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Senglea pop-up park shows how society can work together for greener open spaces

English Version :

The Ministry for the Environment and Ambjent Malta collaborated with the ReCreate Project, the Senglea Local Council and the area’s residents to transform a seafront paved area into a pop-up park.

During a visit to the pop-up park at the Senglea Waterfront, the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise, Miriam Dalli, explained that this initiative demonstrates how different stakeholders can work together for a better environment.

“The ReCreate Project engaged Senglea families, academics, environmentalists, landscaping and spatial planning experts and the private sector, to sustainably create a better open space in their community with the support of national and local government entities. The result is a public space that can truly be owned and appreciated by the people, as the community was actively involved in its conception,” Minister Dalli said.

The Minister noted that this model of citizen engagement forms an integral part of the Government’s long-term €700 million investment in sustainable green open spaces during the next seven years.

ReCreate is a community project led by Ecostack Innovations in collaboration with Dawra Madwarna, Senglea Local Council and the University of Malta. In this project, ReCreate joined forces with Ambjent Malta and used repurposed pallet wood to build planters and outdoor furniture, including tables and benches. Children and residents were then invited to adorn this new community space with plants, indigenous trees and other sustainable enhancements.

The pop-up park is offering an enjoyable open space for residents and visitors, while respecting the cultural and historical heritage of this community. Families and children can use it to play traditional games and other outdoor activities. It also brings nature closer to where people live, with localised patches of flora that can also attract butterflies and other fauna.

Dr Mario Balzan, Founder at Ecostack Innovations, explained how “through this project we are working with the community to proactively rethink urban space and reconnect with nature. Through this project, we have also engaged with residents and community groups, and carried out placemaking activities to upgrade public space through nature-based co-creation and artistic citizen activities as we work towards more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive open spaces.”

Maltese Version

Is-Senglea Pop-Up Park juri kif bħala soċjetà naħdmu flimkien għal iktar spazji ħodor miftuħa – Il-Ministru Miriam Dalli

Il-Ministeru għall-Ambjent u Ambjent Malta kkollaboraw mar-ReCreate Project, mal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Isla u mar-residenti taż-żona, sabiex żona pavimentata ma’ xatt il-baħar tiġi mibdula f’pop-up park.

Waqt żjara fil-pop-up park max-xatt tal-Isla, il-Ministru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża, Miriam Dalli, spjegat kif din l-inizzjattiva turi kif diversi stakeholders jistgħu jaħdmu flimkien għall-ambjent aħjar.

“Ir-ReCreate Project involva familji mill-Isla, akkademiċi, ambjentalisti, esperti tal-landscaping u spatial planning u s-settur privat, sabiex b’mod sostenibbli jiġi kkrejat spazju miftuħ fil-komunità tagħhom, bl-għajnuna ta’ entitajiet u gvernijiet lokali. Ir-riżultat ta’ dan huwa spazju pubbliku li jista’ tassew jappartjeni u jiġi apprezzat mill-pubbliku, peress li l-komunità pparteċipat b’mod attiv mill-bidu ta’ dan il-proġett,” qalet il-Ministru Dalli.

Il-Ministru nnutat li dan il-mudell ta’ involviment pubbliku jifforma parti integrali tal-investiment fit-tul mill- Gvern ta’ €700 miljun fi spazji ħodor sostenibbli għas-seba’ snin li ġejjin.

ReCreate huwa proġett tal-komunità mmexxi minn Ecostack Innovations b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Dawra Madwarna, il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Isla u l-Università ta’ Malta. F’dan il-proġett kien hemm kollaborazzjoni wkoll ma’ Ambjent Malta sabiex jintuża injam tal-pallet biex jinbnew qsari kif ukoll għamara ta’ barra, li tinkludi mwejjed u bankijiet. It-tfal u r-residenti ġew mistiedna biex iżejnu dan l-ispazju ġdid tal-komunità bi pjanti, siġar indiġeni u titjib ieħor sostenibbli.

Il-pop-up park qed joffri spazju pjaċevoli għar-residenti u l-viżitaturi, waqt li jirrispetta l-kultura u l-wirt storiku ta’ din il-komunità. Familji u tfal jistgħu jużawh biex jilgħabu logħob tradizzjonali u għall-attivitajiet oħra fil- beraħ. Il-parkiqarrebukollin-naturalejnfejnjgħixun-nies,birqajja’ta’floralokalizzatilijistgħuwkolljattiraw friefet u fawna oħra.

Dr Mario Balzan, il-Fundatur ta’ Ecostack Innovations, spjega kif “permezz ta’ dan il-proġett qed naħdmu mal- komunità biex b’mod proattiv jiġi rivedut l-ispazju urban u jerġa’ jingħaqad man-natura. Permezz ta’ dan il- proġett involvejna ruħna wkoll mar-residenti u mal-gruppi tal-komunità u ħejjejna attivitajiet bil-għan li nsebbħu l-ispazju pubbliku u nkomplu naħdmu lejn spazji miftuħa isbaħ, sostenibbli u inklużivi.”